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  • O Projecto CRESCER – Componente IV do The CRESCER Project is officially launched in the Huíla and Cunene provinces.

O Projecto CRESCER – Componente IV do The CRESCER Project is officially launched in the Huíla and Cunene provinces.

December 3rd, 2021

Two events were held on November 30th and December 2nd 2021 for the Official Launch of the CRESCER Project, The CRESCER Project – Component IV of the FRESAN Program Strengthening Resilience and Food and Nutrition Security in Angola. The events were hosted by the municipalities of Cahama in Cunene province and Chicomba in Huíla province and all the municipalities participating in the CRESCER Project in the Cunene and Huila provinces (namely, Cahama and Cuvelai, Jamba and Chicomba) were represented.

The objective of these events was to present and share, at the municipal level, with the beneficiaries, traditional, religious and municipal authorities, municipal supervisors of Community and Health Development Agents (Agentes de Desenvolvimento Comunitário e Sanitário – ADECOS), and other representatives, the key messages upon which the CRESCER project is built, in a participative and dynamic way, which symbolically constitutes the beginning of a close collaboration between the municipal administrations of the four target municipalities and the implementing partners.

The event celebrated in Cahama municipality (Cunene province) was inaugurated by the Vice Governor for the Political, Social and Economic Area of Cunene, Apolo Ndinoulenga, and was attended by the Municipal Administrator of Cahama, José Mário Katiti, and the Municipal Administrator of Cuvelai Germano Baptista Nambalo, as well as representatives of the Health and Social Action Offices of the province. At the event held in the Chicomba municipality (Huila province), the opening speech was made by the Provincial Health Director, Luciana Guimarães in representation of the Vice Governor for the Economic, Political and Social Area of Huila, Maria João Chipalavela. This event was accompanied by the Administrator of Chicomba, Dina Berner Domingos and the Deputy Administrator of the municipality of Jamba.

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