Funder EU
The European Union in Angola
The European Union and its Member States are world leaders in providing humanitarian aid and sustainable development. The EU helps more than 120 million victims of conflicts and disasters every year. Furthermore, the European Union, together with its Member States, is committed to taking a leading position in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the following five aspects of sustainable development: ending poverty and hunger, protecting the planet, ensuring prosperity, creating peaceful societies and development via global partnerships.
With headquarters in Brussels and a global network of local offices, the Union provides assistance to the most vulnerable people based solely on humanitarian need, without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality or political affiliation.
The European Union, represented in Angola since 1986 via its Delegation in Luanda, has been the main donor of funds to the country for over 30 years. The bilateral partnership between the European Union and Angola is based on strengthening state capacities, job creation and economic diversification. The CRESCER project is funded by the European Union for the 4 years duration of the project.